It’s good you are here.
I used to be a UX designer. Now I call myself a life designer.
I want you to experience, to know, to taste what’s possible.
I work one on one. We work on your vision, your desires, aligned with your heart. And then we make a precise plan for how to accomplish it.
Life is bigger than we think. You as well. Do not squeeze yourself to fit ino any of the existing boxes.
Create your own brand.
Show yourself in the world fully unbound.
This might be scary. You may feel rejected, judged, abandoned. But it’s ultimately how you find who you are.
Your unedited self. Fully expressed. Without trying to make an impression. There is so much conditioning. So many shoulds and shouldn’ts. Some of us choose to rebel, but even in that we are losing ourselves.
Whether we’re going along or going against, those shoulds and shouldn’ts stay at the center, when what we want is to get free from them altogether.
Life can be quite lonely sometimes.
And when you try to show up without judging yourself, in a full alignment to your heart, the world can feel like a hostile place.
I’m on a similar same path. Let me join you on yours. Allow yourself to be supported. Take care of yourself in a nourishing coaching container. Access the freedom you deserve.